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Matsyapuri Formation
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Matsyapuri Fm base reconstruction

Matsyapuri Fm


Age Interval: 
Late Eocene to Middle Miocene

E.India Krishna-Godavari Basin

Type Locality and Naming

LANDWARD: Named after the village Matsyapuri. Type section is in the Well Matsyapuri-A (depth interval: 1090-1782 m), with thickness 692 m. [Original Publication: Rao, G.N. (1990) Subsurface stratigraphic nomenclature of Krishna-Godavari Basin, ONGC, unpublished report.]. Reference well: Well Bhimanapalli-A, Interval 685-1225 m and thickness is 540m.

Synonyms: Matsyapuri Sandstone

[Figure: Generalized Late Cretaceous-Cenozoic lithostratigraphy transect, Krishna-Godavari Basin. From Keller et al., 2011, Jour. Geol. Soc. India, 78:399-428, their Fig. 2]

[Figure: Map showing the locations of designated holostratotype section for the formation in the KG Basin (After ONGC, Pandey and Dave, 1998) in Raju et al., 2021, ONGC Bulletin, Special Issue, Vol. 56, No. 2]

Lithology and Thickness

Coarse-grained sandstone. In the type section Matsyapuri-A, this formation consists mainly of sandstone with thin beds of claystone and limestone. The sandstones are dark grey to greenish, coarse- to very coarse-grained, moderately sorted, subrounded with thin beds of dark grey carbonaceous claystone. Traces of pyrite at places with calcareous matrix occur. Reference section consists mainly sandstone with few claystone bands. The sandstone is light grey to brown, medium- to very coarse-grained, moderately sorted. The claystone is black, feebly calcareous and carbonaceous. The thickness of the formation in Matsyapuri-A is 692 m and in Bhimanapalli-A 540 m. The thickness of the formation is maximum near GS-18-A well where it is 1200 m.

[Figure 1: Well log of Matsyapuri-A Holostratotype (modified after Venkatarengan et al., 1993)]

[Figure 2: Well log of Bhimanapalli-A Hypostratotype (modified after Venkatarengan et al., 1993)]

Lithology Pattern: 
Coarse-grained sandstone

Relationships and Distribution

Lower contact

The lower boundary of this formation has conformable relationship with Bhimanapalli Fm limestone.

Upper contact

The upper boundary is conformable with Narasapur Fm claystone.

Regional extent




Foraminifera are better represented in the reference section. Important events include LAD Miogypsina cushmani antillea at 790 m, LAD M (Lepidocyclina) excentrica at 850 m, LAD Nummulites fichteli at 1040 m and LAD Pellatispira at 1070 m. In between these, several larger foraminifera occur.


Late Eocene to Middle Miocene (upper part is younger further offshore); but most sources indicate upper limit (landward) is mid-Oligocene. Raju's 2022 chart implies that the name is attached to facies in intermediate column that extends from Priabonian through Middle Miocene! Confusing and inconsistent usage. For graphic purposes, Raju's 2022 chart indicating it mainly spans the Priabonian is used.

Age Span: 

    Beginning stage: 

    Fraction up in beginning stage: 

    Beginning date (Ma): 

    Ending stage: 

    Fraction up in the ending stage: 

    Ending date (Ma):  

Depositional setting

This succession is deposited under shallow marine condition with a bathymetry between 0-20 m, except at 850 m, where a bathymetry of 50 m might have been attained.

Depositional pattern:  

Additional Information

[Figure 3: Lithocolumn, well logs, foraminiferal datums and paleobathymetry of Matsyapuri Fm in well GM-A showing lateral variation (after well completion report, ONGC and Raju (2013)]


D.S.N Raju and A. Nallapa Reddy